Kathrin Schumann
Postdoctoral Scholar
513 Parnassus Ave, Rm 1047A
UCSF Box 0534 HSW
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
UCSF Box 0534 HSW
San Francisco, CA 94143
United States
Noncoding RNA, CRISPR technology, RNA interference, Long Noncoding RNA, microRNA, Human Genetics,
I grew up and studied Biochemistry in Germany. During my diploma and PhD thesis in Michael Sixt’s lab at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry near Munich I analyzed how the presenting mode of chemokines influences dendritic cell migration. After my PhD, I decided to gain experience in translational aspects of research and drug development. I joined the Novartis Postdoc Program in Basel, Switzerland, working within the autoimmune disease area. Since March 2014 I am back in academia as a joint postdoc in the labs of Alex Marson and Jeffrey Bluestone.