Our Research Program
Two unifying principles tie our diverse research projects together
Quantitative models for studying gene regulation in health and disease. Although the genome has been sequenced, there remains a lot of mystery about its content. Our lab is interested in understanding how genes contribute to the specification of cell fate and function, and how deregulation by mutations of epigenetic alteration contributes to human disease. There is a big future for the study of genetics and molecular biology- particularly as genome deep sequencing technology matures and personalized medicine becomes a reality.
Merging synthetic and systems biology approaches to study human disease. Our group contains outstanding scientists from highly diverse fields including developmental biology, immunology, neurobiology, cancer, and biophysics. The diversity of our research publication topics reflect the freedom each trainee has to explore his/her passions and the open collaborative spirit of the lab. In the broadest sense possible, we apply high-throuput systems/synthetic biology approaches to fundamental problems in health and disease. If you enjoy performing cutting-edge interdisciplinary research in an exciting and highly collaborative environment, please apply to our lab.
Although our research program is supported through multiple diverse mechanisms, our NIH funding can be identified at the following Reporter database: